Alder Creek Angling | Bamboo Fly Rods and Books | Ron Barch Cane Rod Maker
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Honoring the lore and craft of fine bamboo rods

Ron Barch has designed and crafted split bamboo fly rods for Americans, Canadians, Europeans, as well as groups such as Trout Unlimited. He understands what a fly rod should accomplish and how to make one that meets the angler’s expectations.


Among these pages you will get insight into a craft turned art … so come and take an over-the-shoulder look at the world of split bamboo rods and rodmaking.


Ron Barch

Barch on Bamboo

Serving the angling community since 1985

Reviews of Alder Creek Bamboo Rods

Split cane fly rods are unique creations and personal expressions of the craftsman


A good book is like a good friend, both can enrich one’s life.